Terms of Service

1. The services we provide

Providing you with a personalized experience:

Your experience on Wallet is different from that of anyone else: from the posts, stories, events, ads, and other types of content you see in your News Feed or our video platform, to the Wallet Pages you follow and other features you may use, such as Trends and Search. We use the data we have, such as about your communications, choices and settings you make, what you share, and actions you take on and off our Products, to personalize your experience.

Find ways to improve our services even better:

We focus on research to develop, test and improve our products. This includes analyzing our user data and learning how people use our products, for example by conducting surveys, testing new features, and troubleshooting problems. The Data Policy explains how we use data to support these searches for the purposes of developing and improving our Services.

Use and development of advanced technologies in order to provide safe and operationally efficient services to all:

We use and develop advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and augmented reality, so that people can use our products in complete safety regardless of their physical abilities or geographical location. For example, such technologies help people with visual impairments to recognize the people or things that appear in photos or videos that are shared on Wallet. We are also building advanced communication technology and networks to help more people connect to the Internet in areas with low vision. Limited communication capabilities. We develop automated systems to improve our ability to detect and remove abusive and dangerous activities that could harm our community and the integrity of our products.

2. Sources of financing our services

Instead of charging you for using Wallet and other products and services we offer, by using Wallet Products covered by these Terms, you agree that we can show you ads that businesses and organizations pay to promote on and off Wallet Products. We use your personal data, such as information about your activity and interests, to show you ads that are most relevant to you.

Protecting people's privacy is very important to the design of the advertising system we use. This means that we can show you useful and relevant ads without letting advertisers know who you are. We do not sell your personal data. We allow advertisers to tell us things like what their business is about and what kind of audience they'd like to see their ads for (for example, people aged 18-35 who like to ride). We then show their ads to people who might be interested.

We also provide advertisers with reports on the performance of their ads to help them understand how people interact with the content they publish on and off the Wall. For example, we provide advertisers with general information about their demographics and interests (for example, that an ad was viewed by a 25-34-year-old woman who lives in Cairo and loves software engineering) to help them better understand their audience. We do not share information that identifies you (information such as your name or email address, which can only be used to contact or identify you) unless you give us specific permission.

3. Additional Terms

1. Update our terms

We are always striving to improve our services and develop new features to make our products better and more relevant to you and our community. As a result, it may be necessary to update these Terms from time to time to reflect our services and practices more accurately. We will make changes only if the provisions are no longer appropriate or incomplete, and the changes are reasonable and in your interests. We will notify you (eg: via email or via our Products) at least 30 days before we make any changes to these Terms and give you an opportunity to review them before they come into effect, unless the changes are required by law. Once any updated terms come into effect, You must comply with them if you decide to continue to use our products. We'd love for you to continue using our products, but if you don't agree to our updated terms and choose not to be part of a community anymore, you can delete your account at any time.

2. Account suspension or termination

If we find that you have clearly, seriously or repeatedly violated our terms or policies, including in particular our Community Standards, we may suspend or permanently disable your account. We may also suspend or disable your account if you repeatedly infringe the intellectual property rights of other people or if we are required to do so for legal reasons. When we take such action, we will notify you and explain any options available to you to request a review, unless doing so exposes us or others to liability; or harm our user community; endanger the security of, or impair the operation of, any of our services, systems, or products; or when we are unable to handle matters properly due to technical limitations; Or in cases where we are prohibited from doing so for legal reasons.

3. Limitation of Liability

We work hard to provide the best products as well as provide clear guidelines to everyone who uses them. However, our products are provided "as is", and we make no guarantees that they will be secure, protected, or error-free, or that they will operate without failures, delays, or imperfections. To the extent permitted by law, we also disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of rights and title. We do not control or direct people and others as to what they should do or say, and we are not responsible for their actions or behavior (either online or offline) or any content they share (including any offensive, inappropriate, obscene, illegal, and other objectionable content). We cannot predict when issues with our products can occur. Accordingly, our liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, and in no event will we be liable for any loss of profit, revenue, information or data or any consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive or incidental damages. arising out of or related to these Terms or the Wallet Products, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages and losses.

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